Short version
I asked ChatGPT to suggest me how it can be my best assistant possible and then religiously came back to give it tasks daily.
That’s the best advice I can give you to make sure that you get the most out of ChatGPT for your particular life situation and needs.
Longer version:
All the tips, tricks, someone else’s use cases, and elaborate scenarios are worth nothing if you don’t use them.
Start simple, small, and close to home. Easy does it.
If you make a point of using ChatGPT as your assistant every day, you’ll learn pretty quickly where and how it can help you with your tasks.
The best thing about this technology is that you can ask it how it can help you. You don’t need to have all the answers, or even all the questions. Start where you are.
I started where I was. Here is my exact query:
“Hi! I’m looking to make my everyday tasks easier and more efficient with your help, but I’m not exactly sure where to start. I want you to act as a consultant for optimizing daily tasks and workflows. Please ask me questions about my daily routine, preferences, and challenges. For instance, you could inquire about what tasks I enjoy, which ones I find tedious, where I feel my time could be better spent, and any personal goals I’m struggling to achieve due to time constraints. Your goal is to help uncover areas where you can assist me, leading to personalized recommendations. Thanks!”
From there, I just took it step by step with my new (ehm…first ever) personal assistant, ChatGPT. Just continue chatting until stuff starts to make sense. When we got to the list of all the tasks it could help me with, I said:
“Thanks for the suggestions! Now, I want you to create a step-by-step plan to implement these improvements. Let’s prioritize tasks that offer quick wins to boost my motivation. A daily task or goal would be ideal, starting with the easiest and gradually addressing more challenging areas. I appreciate your guidance!”
That’s it, guys.
Then I just made a point to come back to my new best friend every day. I added it to my bullet journal as an everyday task and it worked wonders.
You can do the same or make a sticky note on your laptop, write yourself a note on your table, set an alarm every day – you name it. Just. Come. Back. Do 1 task every day. Thank me later.
In fact, share in the comments how the plan worked for you, what were the most unexpected tasks ChatGPT was able to help you with or insights you gained during the conversations (for me, AI’s questions got me thinking a lot!). I love hearing from you!
And hey, congrats on embarking on this exciting journey. It’s just the beginning 🙂
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